Donor Privacy Policy
We will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Steel Magnolias, both online and offline, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors' information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.
We normally add donors to our mailing list, unless requested otherwise. Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list. Email or call us at (562) 331-8007, extension 2.
Steel Magnolias is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to benefit children with developmental delays and disabilities, behavioral and learning challenges and other special needs. Donations to Steel Magnolias are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. A copy of our annual report and latest 990 can be obtained by clicking on “Annual Reports & Financials” section of this website.